Formally, the Lifetime Activities Program was a community-based physical activity program that evolved from a 1974 concept created by Dr. Patricia K. Fehl. At that time, Dr. Fehl served as Chair of the Department of General Physical Education and managed the academic basic instruction physical activity classes.  This was what led to offering classes, without academic credit, for youth and adults in the community. The Lifetime Activities Program was in existence from 1974-2019.  

Fehl, passed away in July 2012, she served as administrator and department chair of general physical education at CPASS from 1973-89. She hired numerous graduate assistants across various disciplines while serving as a mentor to students. She had a positive impact on graduates and encouraged their success in the field. She was known by faculty and students as a leader. In addition, she was a female administrator in a time period when there were few women administrators. She set high standards for anyone who worked for her because she believed the participants in her programs deserved the best.

Fehl came to CPASS from the University of Cincinnati. She also earned degrees from DePauw and Indiana University.  

In 1990, she was inducted into the CPASS Hall of Fame. She received many national, regional and state awards, including the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Honor Award in recognition of her service to the professional organization.  

WVU Academic Innovation Resources for academic and youth activities.